Each Peach Pear Figs?

Tony_WilsonMelbourne-based radio and television personality, and author of The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas, The Cow Tripped Over the Moon and Jack (Stuff Happens), Tony Wilson was MC at the CBCA Book of the Year Awards on Friday 21 August at Melbourne Town Hall.  This is his welcome speech – and hilarious Awards inspired picture book manuscript….

What a day we have in store. Across the country we have nervous short-listees, huddled over the CBCA website, pressing refresh over and over with terrified hope. There are some in that category here at the Melbourne Town Hall, eyes glazed over, willing me to get on with it so that this wash of words may end, and their fates may be determined.

Well I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that this wash of words will eventually end. The bad news is that in order to set the mood for all of us who aren’t on the short list, I’ve got a little CBCA awards inspired picture book manuscript I want to trial. They are plenty of publishers in the room, and I’m sure once they get an earful of this, it’s going to be mega four figure advances and whispered promises of up to 3.5% royalties.  Bring on the underbidding war folks.

The title of this work is ‘Each Peach Pear Figs’ – and if I’m honest, it does have a progenitor somewhere out there in the children’s book world.

Each Peach Pear Figs

I spy Karen Briggs

Karen Briggs left and right

I spy Scary Night

Scary Night, Stephen King

Judith Rossell, Withering

By the sea, lovely Stella

I spy Trace Balla

Trace Balla’s Rivertime

I spy an easy rhyme

Easy rhyme coming atcha

I spy Robin Cowcher

Robin Cowcher, so awesome

Snip Green’s Douglas Mawson



Girl that’s lost

Have you seen her?

This rhyme gets longer

I spy Christine Bongers

Christine Bongers in the hood

I spy Freya Blackwood

Freya Blackwood who can best her?

I spy A Lester

Noni heading for the beach

Longer now than Each, Peach

Bruce Whatley, Jackie French

Metzenthen, he’s a mensch

Stone Lion, Margaret Wild

Loved by every child

Bill Condon, Simple Things

He also often wins

Snail and Turtle Still Friends

Stephen Michael King again

Tony Wilson and his Cow

Self promoting, out now

Aaron Blabey’s Pug is Piggy

I spy brave Figgy.

Brave Figgy in the world

I spy Cinammin Girl

Winners will give thanks

Will it be Tristian Bancks?

Two Wolves out hunting

They spy baby bunting

Baby bunting torn apart

Each, Peach, rated R

Bleak boy in the rain

Libby Gleeson’s name again!

Books on war – not so cheery

One by Michael Camilleri

Older readers, teenage cares

I spy two Claires

Two Claires, both respected

I spy The Protected

Other Claire, and her Nona

Both deserve sticker honour

Can The Minnow win the day?

Hashtag Love – OzYA

Jesse get the eff to sleep

I spy the … Green Sheep

Green Sheep by the door

Here since 2004

Who was huge even then?

I spy Robert Ingpen

Robert Ingpen, Enid Blyton

Enid Blyton rhymes with Crichton

Crichton Medal, illustration

Draw the face that stops the nation

Children’s books, special day


Each peach, pear, plum

Good luck, everyone.



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