Country Tell Us When…

Tsheena Cooper, Mary Dann, Dalisa Pigram-Ross, and Sheree Ford, Country tells us when…, Pan Macmillan Australia, March 2023, 40 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781922592460

While most cultures recognise that there are four seasons in a calendar year, the Yuwuru mob accept there are six distinct seasons, each identified through observations using the five senses – what we feel, see, taste, smell and hear. From the gathering of ngugngug (dark storm clouds) to wiyawiya (dragonflies) flying around, the book celebrates the unique characteristics of each season and tells of the beautiful flowers and animals to look out for.

The Yawuru people are the traditional custodial of the lands and waters of Rynini around the town of Broome. The purpose of this book is to engage young readers while sharing and preserving Yuwuru cultural knowledge and language, thereby fostering community connections.

Country tells us when was co-written and illustrated by educators Tsheena Cooper, Dalisa Pigram-Ross and Sheree ford. The book’s words are simple but perfectly capture the wonders of Country. Clever incorporations of words and names of specific elements on each page and definitions allowed readers to engage and learn the indigenous language. Each paragraph is also presented in Yuwuru, enhancing its cultural authenticity.

The creators of the book mirrored their words well with the beautiful cultural artworks through the medium of block printing and incorporation of the lovely rich and beautiful colours found in the Kimberley region. All pages had layering of art and sketches that added depth and detail to every page. Furthermore, each artwork was drawn with a slightly different style and with an indigenous twist made the imagery more engaging.

I thoroughly loved turning the pages of this book and learning the beautiful language of the Yuwuru people and the clever observations that told us what season we are in. I especially enjoyed looking at the illustrations and the different types of prints and colours used to represent all the beautiful plants and animals of Country.

I highly recommend this book to all readers as it not only offers a beautiful read but also empowers and fosters deeper connections to Country. It thoroughly deserves its place on the CBCA 2024 Eve Pownall Award for Information Books’ Notable list.

Reviewed by Anna Tran

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