
Elizabeth Pulsford (text), and Krista Brennan (illustrator), Boots, Wombat Books, May 2024, 32 pp., RRP $19.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781761111037

Boots represents the boots of a cattle farmer experiencing life in the Australian bush. A pair of working boots is the central character and depicts the life of the farmer, his family and small rural community. He faces fire, drought, the ANZAC tradition, moving cattle, meeting his future wife and the coming baby. His loyal and beloved dog is beside him as he navigates his world. Boots depicts the struggles and joys of living in a harsh landscape. The boots are integral to the farmer’s life. There are scenes of kindness when he gives water to the young kangaroo, fights a wild bushfire, traverses a flooding river and faces the many challenges of the land. At the end, his weary soles could rest. His boots were tired but satisfied, as they had experienced the heartbeat of the bush.

Krista Brennan illustrates Boots in a realistic style with valuable research depicting the realities of fire, flood, new birth; the hardships as well as good times, in regional Australia. The end papers depict the boots preparing the readers for the tone of the book. Krista gives a picture of rural life, which is useful for primary school–aged children.

Suitable for ages 8 +

Reviewed by Susanne Gervay

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