Best Books of 2019: Carissa Mason

Duck, Duck, Moose – Lucinda Gifford

This book is wonderfully simple book about friendship and fitting in that’s loads of fun to read aloud. Children already familiar with the game Duck, Duck, Goose will love adding just one extra word to the story – moose! They’ll be able to read the facial expressions on the animals in the illustrations to judge just how to say “moose” to match what’s happening in the story. It’s great fun and a prompt for talking about feelings and friends. The book is beautifully illustrated in a bright palette of oranges and greens and a sense of fun.

Explore Your World: Weird, Wild Amazing! – Tim Flannery

Reading this book feels like I’ve gone to the museum and have the curator all to myself, pulling open drawers and showing me all the coolest animal exhibits! It’s written by acclaimed Aussie scientist Professor Tim Flannery and his enthusiasm for wildlife and all of its wonders shines through every page. It’s loaded with fascinating information about all sorts of critters, thoughtfully presented to draw readers in with short snippets, bold headings, colourful boxes and loads of illustrations.

The Ironman – Ted Hughes & Chris Mould

This book is spectacularly beautiful, yet still very boyish, perfect for drawing in readers who are just starting to show an interest in chapter books, as well as those already reading well. The words are lovely to read aloud with a rhythm that builds suspense. The story is a classic, written by British Poet Laureate Ted Hughes and first published in 1968 and this edition is gloriously and generously illustrated with full colour pictures on every spread.

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