Marcus Emerson, Ben Braver and the Incredible Exploding Kid (Super Life of Ben Braver, #2), Allen & Unwin, March 2019, 320 pp., RRP $12.99 (pbk) ISBN 9781760631697
Despite having saved the Kepler Academy from destruction the previous year Ben Braver is anxious about returning to school as he fears he doesn’t really have any super powers and worries the other students will find out. At his super secret school for kids with super powers Ben’s friends Penny Plum, Noah Nichols and Jordan Jacob can do things like controlling mice by playing a ukulele or creating fire after eating beef jerky or simply become invisible. But what can he do?
At school Ben soon discovers the issue of super powers is the least of his problems. There’s the new head-master to contend with and the strange woman who rides a vespa and seems to know all about him not to mention his old enemies Dexter Dunn and Victoria Vicars who cause trouble whenever possible. And sssh, there’s also the top secret research the headmaster has asked him to do with the resident ghost, Professor Duncan.
Author of Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja, Marcus Emerson, has created a roller coaster of an adventure that never takes its self too seriously. Supported by humorous comic illustrations, Ben Braver must experience the highs and lows of being a school hero before he is able to get closer to understanding of his own inner strengths.
An fun action packed read for kids 8+
Reviewed by Mem Capp