Bedtime Daddy!

Sharon Giltrow (text) and Katrin Dreiling (illustrator), Bedtime, Daddy!, EK Books, May 2020, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781925820386 

Here is the old bedtime routine reversed. The child (an anthropomorphised bear) is giving advice to the reader about how to put Daddy to bed. First, when you notice Daddy rubbing his eyes and yawning, you announce “Bedtime, Daddy!” then you give him a cuddle until he stops crying. Next, on to teeth, toilet, pyjamas and reading a story together. Daddy has a lot of ways of avoiding going to sleep, but the child has an answer for each one. At the end, the child falls asleep and Daddy, with a wink, puts them to bed. 

This is a cute story that young children will very much enjoy – seeing roles reversed and the child taking the lead at bedtime will surely appeal. Daddy is hamming it up as a reluctant sleeper, which will amuse both adults and children. The illustrations are cartoonish, funny, and engaging. This will surely be a bedtime favourite for preschoolers and parents alike. 

Reviewed by Rebecca Kemble 

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