We’re Moving Away

Niña Nill, We’re Moving Away, Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing, August 2023, 24 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781761212321

This book was recently notabled in the 2024 CBCA Early Childhood Book of the Year category. A debut picture book from artist and author, Niña Nill, it’s a gentle depiction of a child and their family moving overseas.

A particular feature that is likely to get children talking are the spreads where individual items are illustrated – a list of things to bring and things to leave, and later, a list of things to unpack and new things needed. Even for children with no experience of moving, most children have helped packed up to go on holiday and would enjoy recounting the various items included (or left behind).

The illustrations in this book are sublime with bright colours and multiple characters and scenes for children to pore over. And the gentle message about finding connection in a new place is likely to offer comfort to young readers facing big changes.

Reviewed by Heather Gallagher

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