Under the Ocean: New Zealand’s sea life (Explore and Discover #3)


Gillian Candler (text),  Ned Barraud (illus.). Under the Ocean: New Zealand’s sea life (Explore and Discover #3). Craig Potton Publishing,  22 September 2014,  36pp.,  $AU32.51/$NZ19.99 (pbk) ISBN 978-1-927213-087  $NZ29.99 (hbk) ISBN 978-1-927213-0-94

A love of nature and the environment certainly propels the author, illustrator and publisher of this series which previously includes the shortlisted titles At the Beach and In the Garden.  New Zealand readers may well have come across the publisher in the television series on the wild coast and rivers. As a response to children’s requests for an illustrated book on the undersea world, this creative duo have identified three habitats (reefs and the sea floor, the open ocean, and the deep, deep ocean) and, having given an introduction to each inclusive of an illustrated index of key sea life, they then, in the second half of the book, give more detail of each of the identified species noted in the index. The book is reasonably comprehensive (given its audience and purpose) supported by the accuracy, beauty and artfulness of the illustrations. Children are able to learn as much from the illustrations as from the informational text. Additionally, there is a glossary and “find out more” section at the back where online resources are noted. Recommended as an excellent introduction to the weirdly wonderful world of the ocean that may well spark a deeper interest in nature and the environment, especially “down under.”

reviewed by John McKenzie

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