Queen Celine

Matt Shanks, Queen Celine, Walker Books Australia, February 2019, 40 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN

Queen Celine is a driven and focused ruler; protective of her kingdom and its beauty. But as she strives to maintain her kingdom as she knows and loves it, she encounters life lessons too big to ignore.

After building a rock wall to protect and preserve her kingdom, Queen Celine unintentionally creates change and witnesses the impact of her actions unfold as her kingdom succumbs to ruin. 

By demonstrating responsibility and self reflection, Queen Celine endeavours to right her wrong. She returns her kingdom to its rightful glory and in the process realises that the kingdom was perfect the way it already was, and should be enjoyed and appreciated by all – even the pesky seagulls!

This story by Matt Shanks encourages readers to reflect on the consequences of their actions; especially in regards to the environment, inclusion, leadership, and change. 

A simple and inviting story which effectively portrays its message with ease.

Reviewed by Raquel Mayman

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