Suzanne Barton (text) and Shannon Horsfall (illustrator), My Unicorn Farts Glitter, Lothian Children’s Books, July 2019, 24 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN
Unicorns, farts and glitter: three of the hottest current trends in children’s books, all in one book! You might be someone who runs the opposite way when you see such a trend, especially adorning a hot-pink cover, or you might whisk it off the shelf for that unicorn-obsessed person in your life (and the glitter really sparkles!)
But it pays to look deeper. The unicorn in this book can be stinky and annoying, but he’s also thoughtful and kind. And he happens to be a great little brother. This is less a story about a farting glittery unicorn and more about the special bond between siblings from the perspective of a big sister. Suzanne and Shannon have woven together a sweet – but not-too-sweet – look at the ups and downs of having a little unicorn in the house and it is only at the end of the book that it is revealed that the little unicorn is in fact a little brother. This prompts an immediate re-read of the book with this new perspective. A sweet picture book particularly for the young big sisters of the world.
Reviewed by Pam Ueckerman