My Sister is a Superhero

my sister is a superhero2

Damon Young (text),  Peter Carnavas (illus.) My Sister is a Superhero, University of Queensland Press, 24 Feb 2016, 32pp., $24.95 (hbk),  ISBN: 9780702253928

This is a rhyming fun filled frolic from the creators of My Nanna is a Ninja and My Pop is a Pirate. Another wacky celebration of diverse personalities infused with familial love and an ending that will warm your heart.

Carnavas’ delightful ink pen and watercolour pictures conjure four active sisters (the quirkiest being a superhero) from Young’s rich and smooth poetry – combining to produce a double shot of humour. Each sister is accompanied by her own animal ‘sidekick.’ It’s impossible to read this book without a smile on your face and a chuckle in your chest.

Young’s alliterative style, rhythm and rhyme make this text a delight to read aloud:

“Some sisters nibble nachos and never bite on beans.

Some sisters crunch on crayfish and never chomp sardines.

Some sisters peck at porridge and never dine on bran.

My sister is a superhero… she gobbles everything she can.”

Despite the rich red of the cover, the illustrations inside are watercolour pastel – like a Fruit Tingle lolly and just as effervescent.  The pictures and the text are each joyful and energetic – the combo is exuberant.

With delightful endpapers, playful cameo appearances from Nan and Pop giving a wink to the duo’s prior collaborations, and plenty of pet action, this book is an appreciation of sisters everywhere.

For children from preschool to primary. Highly recommended.
Reviewed by Debra Tidball

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