Monet’s Garden: a Book for Kids

Monet's garden

RYAN, Kate Monet’s Garden: A book for Kids, National Gallery of Victoria, 2013 71pp $14.95 ISBN 9780724103713 SCIS 1622351

We are beginning to see a number of books being produced by various cultural institutions around Australia, undoubtedly to provide additional access to well known cultural assets for younger audiences.  This is one such effort.  It’s a book, set out in chapters that are interspersed with short amounts of factual information, incidental information about Monet and his work, examples from his artworks and relevant drawings and photos.  As well as this, it encourages interactivity with the reader, by including various suggestions and ideas for related activities.  Pierre, the wren, is used to guide the reader through these as he poses questions and makes comments about what is happening.  The book concludes with clear referencing of Monet’s artwork and additional illustrations.  Suitable for 5-10 years.  SC

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