Meet Me at the Intersection

Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina (eds.) Meet Me at the Intersection, Fremantle Press, Sept 2018, 296pp., $19.99 (pbk), ISBN: 9781925591705

This eclectic work of memoir, fiction and poetry begins from the front cover with artwork from Ambelin Kwaymullina’s painting Voices from the Intersections. An explanation of this artwork is given on page 7, providing a sure footing for what follows. I love works about, and by, diverse people, and encourage my students to read this type of fiction when and where I can. This book will enable me to do this with ease. It consists of a number of stories by various authors, some based on their own lives, some fictional, all featuring marginalised groups in society. There are stories from indigenous people, members of the LGBTQI+ community, refugees, descendants of immigrants, people with physical disabilities, and others. Many of the characters and writers identify with more than one of these groups, making their stories even more compelling. I cannot remember a book that covers so many aspects, and that will be identified with by so many readers, whether it be a reader who can personally identify with one or more of theses stories, or can identify the themes as experienced by a relative or friend.

So, I hope I have convinced the reader of the worth of the book’s content and subject matter. The literary quality is another aspect that must be explored. I have read many short stories, poetry and memoir collections and usually there is at least one inclusion that could have had a little more editing, or re-writing. The writing in this book, by all authors, is exceptional. I found every single piece well written and engaging. I did not find myself skimming over any to get to the end, but instead found myself often re-reading them many times.

This book is unique, with unique content from a variety of authors. I highly recommend it for all libraries, and not just for young adult readers. This is one that will span many reading ages, and, hopefully, many readers.

Reviewed by Liz Derouet

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