Me and My Boots

Penny Harrison (text) and Evie Barrow (illustrator), Bronte: Me and My Boots, Hardie Grant Egmont, February 2020, 24pp., RRP $19.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781760502331

Me and My Boots is a charming lyrical ode to girl-power and the joy to be found in a fine pair of boots.

Everyone who knows Bronte, uses her boots to describe her different activities and attitudes. Her teacher calls them buckle down to business boots, her Mum calls them brave-girl boots and her Pa calls them fall down and get back up boots. In each spread, Bronte experiences a range of childhood experiences including tree climbing, pretend play, going to school and reading stories.

Although the text doesn’t rhyme, there is a strong bouncing rhythm which matches the central characters – Bronte and her boots – who are mostly on the move.

Bronte and her boots exist to remind young readers that girls can do anything. The vibrant illustrations, along with the choice to make Bronte red-headed, add to the general feeling of exuberance.   

This book is on the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Notable List in the Early Childhood category.

Review by Heather Gallagher 

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