Grumpy Monkey Party Time!

Suzanne Lang (text) and Max Lang (illustrator), Grumpy Monkey Party Time!, Scholastic, May 2021, 48 pp., RRP $17.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781760975104

This is a sequel to the New York Times picture book hit Grumpy Monkey. Jim Panzee, the monkey, is invited to Porcupine’s party, but he doesn’t really want to go. Jim can’t dance. His friends, Norman, a gorilla, an Hyena, Ox and the baboons encourage him to learn some moves, so off they go. But all is not well, and it looks like the party is over until Jim locates the food and games.

Boldly illustrated with jungle animals with expression-filled faces, Grumpy Monkey Party Time is a straightforward laugh filled with charming animals strutting their stuff.

Reviewed by Stella Lees

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