Go Away, Worry Monster!

Brooke Graham (text), and Robin Tatlow-Lord (illustrator), Go Away Worry Monster!, EK Books, September 2020, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781925820393  

Late one night Worry Monster creeps into Archie’s bed. Archie’s head begins to throb, his tummy flutters and his heart pounds as he thinks about starting at his new school the next day. What if he gets lost trying to find his classroom? Maybe they won’t play sport at his new school and will he make any friends? Worry Monster grows larger. Archie thinks about hopping into bed with his parents but then he remembers the steps that he and his Mum followed last time Worry Monster appeared. Maybe he could give it a try. But will he be able to do it without Mum there? 

Archie hugs Brown Teddy, checks his dog Toby is curled up beside him, and feels the glow of his owl light, then he takes a deep breath. 

Beautifully illustrated in soft pastel, Tatlow-Lord cleverly fleshes out the text, drawing the young reader into the fantastical world of Archie’s battle with Worry Monster.  

A self-help book for the very young that encourages them to face their fears and develop tools to deal with them. 

A wonderful addition to the home or school library. 

Highly recommended 4 – 9 years 

Reviewed by Mem Capp 

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