EIYO, Paskalina with Sarafino Enadio & Terry Whitebeach (text) Gay McKinnon (illus.) When I was a Girl in Sudan ISBN 9780992384814
ENADIO, Sarafino with Terry Whitebeach (text) Gay McKinnon (illus.) When I was a Boy in Sudan ISBN 9780992384807 Anzoa (Joy) Books, 2014 unpaged $15.00 pbk +post
These two books are beautiful representations of the authors’ childhoods. Cleanly presented, with double-spread pages, a typical long-time-ago day as a boy or a girl in Sudan is told through anecdotes and memories. A sprinkling of Ma’di language throughout the text – translated into English on side bars adds authenticity to the stories and assists in the feel and flow of this African world. Ma’di words and phrases are also listed on the back page, alongside a brief summary about the storyteller and the people that helped the story reach the printed page. A collaboration between The Tasmanian Writers’ Centre, writers, an illustrator, a designer, and the Ma’di community, these books are respectful and informative. They serve to show how communities can embrace refugees and the important stories they have to tell. Highly recommended both as a successful community book project and stories for others to learn about how people live.
Reviewed by Pam Harvey