Crashing Down

crashing down

McCAFFREY, Kate Crashing Down Fremantle Press, 2014 298pp $19.99 pbk ISBN 9781922089854 SCIS 1665898

I found Crashing Down an unusual book.  The language used in the book will definitely appeal to teenagers; I confess that I had to look up twerking on the Internet.  The book is also largely written in the present tense, which I found distracting at first, but it does keep a feeling of movement throughout the story.  The issues covered include; driving while taking drugs, teenage pregnancy, the stress of exams and having serious relationships when you are not ready for them.

I felt the book had a couple too many issues for one plot and I found the way Lucy’s problems resolved themselves a trifle implausible.  However, just because Crashing Down is not my type of book, it does not mean that it will not appeal to younger people.  They will particularly like the humour in the situations the silly friend finds herself in and will long for the type of support and understanding that Lucy’s parents offer her.  Suitable for teenagers 15 and up.

Teaching Notes are available on the publisher’s website.

reviewed by Katy Gerner

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