Coming of Age: Growing up Muslim in Australia

coming of age

PAJALIC, Amra & Divaroren Demet (eds) Coming of Age: Growing up Muslim in Australia Allen & Unwin, 2014 189pp $18.99 pbk ISBN 9781743312926 SCIS 1641868

In this collection of essays, the editors have gathered together twelve stories from Australian Muslims, each one quite different from the last.  Each author discusses their own relationship with their religion, their childhood, their family, and growing up in Australia.  Some authors are well known, such as footballer Hazem El Masri, others are not.  But each has a unique and compelling story to tell.  All of the stories mention the friction of being caught between cultures, between the expectations and norms of two quite different worlds.  They are well written and engaging.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book; it was a fascinating insight into the vast range of Muslim experiences in Australia.  It is a wonderful collection; an absolute must read for people of all ages.  It would be invaluable for high school students in particular who are studying Australian society, history, religions etc.  Highly recommended.

reviwed by Rebecca Kemble

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