A Big Blue Boat

Susea Spray (text) and Lesley Cybulka (illustrator), A Big Blue Boat, Spray Publications, March 2022, 40 pp., RRP $17.33 (pbk), ISBN 9780645224009

A boat.
A big BLUE boat.
A big BLUE boat with billowing SAILS… 

A Big Blue Boat is a cumulative story about an ocean adventure. (A cumulative story builds upon itself by repeating the previous text and adding new information, such as There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly and The House that Jack Built.) With a brave young girl at the helm, the big blue boat sails on the rollicking, frolicking sea.  

With fun language, a strong female character and vibrant illustrations, this story will appeal to adventurous kids and ocean-loving families. The repetition and descriptive language will engage teachers and young children, who will enjoy joining in with the story. The story avoids being too repetitive by switching up the cumulative formula around halfway, and the ending is cosy and safe. The story also teaches about sailing and the parts of a yacht, both in the text, glossary and a matching activity at the end of the book.  

The illustrations are bold and colourful, with the texture of paint on canvas. Scenes of the ocean and bay are particularly appealing with a great sense of movement.  

The soft cover copy received for review does not have the production quality of a traditionally published book, but hard cover and e-book versions are also available. 

A Big Blue Boat was a Page Turner Awards finalist. Two sequels are currently in production.  

Reviewed by Laura Holloway 

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