The Jacket

Sue-Ellen Pashley (text) and Thea Baker (illustrator), The Jacket, Walker Books Australia, May 2019, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781925381788

Amelia is the lucky recipient of the jacket which is soft like dandelion fluff, warm like the afternoon sun, comforting like a hug from your favourite teddy, and has 4 dazzling buttons. Amelia wears it everywhere until she can no longer fit into it. Then it becomes Lilly’s. She wears it everywhere too, even to the beach, until she can no longer fit into it. It’s then passed to Lilly’s favourite doll. But Lilly outgrows playing with her doll. Now with only three buttons, Cornflake the cat has her kittens on the jacket which keeps them safe and warm. Mum finally thinks, We should get rid of this old, dirty thing. This saddens Lilly who remembers the good times, so Mum measured and cut and sewed until …The Teddy was no ordinary teddy … with two buttons down his front.

This is a lovely description of a treasured childhood item which is loved and passed on, re-purposed for someone else, on and on. Thea Baker uses mixed fabric and paper combined with drawing to create the illustrations,which really worked for me. Readers of many ages will find resonance with the story and it will help young children understand that they sometimes have to let go of dearly loved treasures.


Reviewed by Maureen Mann

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