Reviewers Needed!

We don’t ask very often, but the time has come… We’re snowed under with fabulous new children’s books, so we’re looking to add a few more reviewers to the team.

We’re currently looking for reviewers in two categories ONLY:

  • Younger Reader – fiction books for 8-12 year olds and
  • Picture Books (includes Early Childhood books and picture books for older readers)

We’re looking for reviewers from all walks of life. You don’t have to have a degree in children’s literature, or a background as a teacher or librarian.  We’re looking for people who are passionate, reliable, have good written communication skills and the ability to write critique and who are committed to “engaging the community with literature for young Australians”.  We can’t pay for reviews, but you will get our undying gratitude, the adulation of Reading Time readers and you get to keep all the books you review.

If you have a few hours to spare each month and would like to join our team of reviewers, please read the Reading Time Editorial Policy, then email your expression of interest to the Reading Time Reviews Editor.  Include a sample of your writing (2-3 reviews on any children’s book you like) and some brief information about yourself (your experience with children’s literature, which genres/categories you have the most passion for/knowledge about, etc).

So why not send in your expression of interest today?  We look forward to reading it.

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