One Book was all it Took

Wenda Shurety (text) and Amy Calautti (illustrator), One Book Was All it Took, EK Books, July 2022, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781922539137

A rainy day is a perfect day for reading, though Violet can’t seem to find a book that she hasn’t read yet.   

I wish our town had a library! 

Violet writes a letter to the mayor expressing her hopes for a town library filled with books to read.   

While continuing to search for a book to read, Violet unintentionally creates a chain reaction of events which lead to her wish for a town library being granted.  

With pages filled with colourful illustrations, young children will delight in this story and the ripple effect of Violet’s actions and the chaos that follows – what will happen next?  

A simple but effective story highlighting the importance of early literacy, while also exploring the consequences of our actions.  

Reviewed by Raquel Mayman 

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