Mum for Sale (Errol! #2)

Zanni Louise (text) and Philip Bunting (illustrator), Mum for Sale (Errol! #2), Scholastic Australia, April 2019, 32 pp., RRP $17.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781742996080

When Errol the penguin struggles to get his mum’s attention, what does he do?

He puts her up for sale!

Not before long, Errol is reminded how precious his mum is and all the wonderful things she can do.

Zanni Louise’s simple, yet eye-catching text along with Philip Bunting’s vibrant illustrations makes this story easily accessible for younger children, encouraging them to read and interpret the pictures on their own.

Young children will wholeheartedly relate to Errol’s cheeky yet lovable nature as he finds very literal solutions to his day-to-day problems.

Patience, family relationships, creativity and gratitude are some of the themes explored, and underpins this amusing and cheeky story in which young children can participate, and to which many parents can relate.

Preschool teachers will find this a valuable resource to discuss practicing patience and to engage in penguin craft activities that are great for helping to refine art, sensory and fine motor skills of young children.

A timely release for Mother’s Day, celebrating how precious time is and the importance of valuing the people closest to us.

Reviewed by Shelley Stephens

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