Morphing Murphy

Robert Favretto (text), and Tull Suwannakit (illustration), Morphing Murphy, Ford Street, February 2020, 32pp., RRP  $16.95 (pbk), ISBN 9781925804324 

This well-written story tells how Murphy the tadpole undergoes metamorphosis to become a frog. Although Murphy is anthropomorphised and can speak and express emotions, this is a fun recounting of the process tadpoles go through to become land-dwelling, air-breathing frogs. Plus, there is a surprise ending. 

The text uses repetition and refrain which works well, especially for reading aloud and having a young audience join in. These young readers may also need to have some background knowledge of fairy tales to appreciate the ending. 

Tull Suwannakit is well-known as the illustrator of Sandy Fussell’s Sad, the Dog. The illustrations in this book suit the topic admirably with watery tones in shades of green on a washed background. Additional details not mentioned in the words augment the text and Murphy is shown with personality. 

This book is quite delightful and informative at the same time. 

Reviewed by Lynne Babbage 

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