Libby Hathorn (text), Gaye Chapman (illus), Incredibilia, Little Hare, May 2016, $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781760125257
Little Georgie is trailing her older siblings on a walk on a windy day. Vainly trying to keep up as they run ahead, she makes her own adventure using the imaginative powers that have been sparked by the beauty of nature around her. Leaves, flowers, clouds and a web fire her elfin mind to create anew game, Incredibilia. Naturally Harriet and Max eventually join in.
Magical illustrations see the story heroine as a fairylike redhead echoing shades of many familiar fictional icons. Each double page is a delight of swirling activity with a multitude of detail to savour. A beautifully crafted book that begs to be reread and shared. Recommended.
Reviewed by Chris Dayman