Fire Truck Santa

Nic McPickle (text) and Nathaniel Eckstrom (illustrator), Fire Truck Santa, Allen & Unwin, September 2021, 32 pp., RRP $17.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781760526894

Fire Truck Santa is based on classic ’Twas the Night Before Christmas. However, in Nic McPickle’s version there is a distinct Aussie twist. Santa drives an old fire truck! Unfortunately the truck has seen better days and is struggling to keep up with the rigours of Christmas Eve.

The story follows Santa as he visits different households. Conveniently the children he visits are generous and very industrious. The children give Santa things to help repair his truck; some tape, fuel, a torch and most importantly a “cookie for luck”!

Despite the children’s best intentions by Santa’s last stop of the night, the fire truck shudders to a stop. Santa explains the true spirit of Christmas is for everyone to show kindness, to chip in and lend a hand and to appreciate those who work really hard in society; volunteer fireys, park rangers, teachers and nurses. Thanks to the generosity of the children he has visited, Santa performs a bit of Christmas magic…

Nathaniel Eckstrom’s illustrations are colourful and capture the spirit of an Aussie Christmas. There is no snow in sight and the children are wearing outfits that are appropriate for an Australian Summer!

This book is ideal for children aged 3 years and up. Fire Truck Santa is a lovely story that would make a wonderful addition to any Christmas picture book collection.

Reviewed by Clare Mellor

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