Plantabulous! More A to Z of Australian Plants

Catherine Clowes (text) and Rachel Gyan (illustrator), Plantabulous! More A to Z of Australian Plants, CSIRO Publishing, June 2024, 64 pp., RRP $29.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781486317202

This latest book by botanist Catherine Clowes is a follow-up to her earlier one titled Plantastic! A to Z of Australian Plants. As the author says in her introduction, “it was hard to choose which plants to include” so here is a new collection of 26 additional fascinating Australian native plants. It follows the same layout and design as the earlier book so is an ideal companion volume.

Although this book looks like a picture book in size and presentation, it is actually designed for competent readers including adults, although younger readers may enjoy looking at all the beautiful illustrations. There is botanical vocabulary with terms which are usually explained but unfortunately many of these are not also listed in the glossary.

Many of the chosen plants have interesting distinguishing features which many readers will not know about, such as the caudex on ant plants and the intriguingly named resurrection plants. One of the disappointing aspects is the section at the back about where to find the plants. Instead of a small map on each page showing where each plant can be found (which admittedly is not easy given some of them are widespread), there is a full map of Australia showing different habitats and then a page listing in which habitat each plant grows. This is not straightforward to follow.

Overall, this is an interesting book containing fascinating information. The illustrations and book design by Rachel Gyan are well done, although perhaps the back endpaper is more attractive than the one at the front. This is a useful addition to any home or library collection. Teacher notes are available at the publisher’s website.

Reviewed by Lynne Babbage

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